Friday 24 October 2014

Water Treatment Plant Model in Simulink® - Water Parameters


Water Parameters


Water parameters are those chemical, physical and biological qualities of water which describes its purity. It is a measure of conditions of water relative to a standard reference water standard. A number of quality standards are available for water parameters, in this water treatment plant - modelling project only those parameters which are important from IS 10500 (2012) : DRINKING WATER SPECIFICATION are considered and modelled. The parameters that are under consideration of modelling are listed below:

Water Parameters used in this model  (in reality there are many more)

  • Sand Concentration and Grain Size
  • Mass Density
  • Concentration of the following materials

    1. Aluminum
    2. Dissolved Organic Carbon
    3. Chloride
    4. Dry Matter
    5. Organic Dry Matter
    6. E. Coli
    7. Coliform Bacteria
    8. Enterococci
  • Turbidity
  • Volumetric Flow Rate 

Values of Water Parameters 


 For this model the initial parameters of water under consideration are taken as:

Sand Concentration and Grain Size 750 mg/l and 0.0002 m
Mass Density 999.976 g/l

Concentration of the following materials

Aluminum 0.2323 mg/l
Dissolved Organic Carbon 12.64 mg/l
Chloride 300 mg/l
Dry Matter 1.8 g/l
Organic Dry Matter 0.6 g/l (i.e. 1/3 of the Dry Matter)
E. Coli 985/l
Coliform Bacteria 1010/l
Enterococci 286/l
Turbidity 23.4 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit)
Maximum Volumetric Flow Rate 400 l/s

1 comment:

  1. I was wroking on the grti filter chamber. I dont know but the assignment value is same as my output. Could you please help me out.
