Friday 24 October 2014

Water Treatment Plant Model in Simulink® - Water Parameters


Water Parameters


Water parameters are those chemical, physical and biological qualities of water which describes its purity. It is a measure of conditions of water relative to a standard reference water standard. A number of quality standards are available for water parameters, in this water treatment plant - modelling project only those parameters which are important from IS 10500 (2012) : DRINKING WATER SPECIFICATION are considered and modelled. The parameters that are under consideration of modelling are listed below:

Water Parameters used in this model  (in reality there are many more)

  • Sand Concentration and Grain Size
  • Mass Density
  • Concentration of the following materials

    1. Aluminum
    2. Dissolved Organic Carbon
    3. Chloride
    4. Dry Matter
    5. Organic Dry Matter
    6. E. Coli
    7. Coliform Bacteria
    8. Enterococci
  • Turbidity
  • Volumetric Flow Rate 

Values of Water Parameters 


 For this model the initial parameters of water under consideration are taken as:

Sand Concentration and Grain Size 750 mg/l and 0.0002 m
Mass Density 999.976 g/l

Concentration of the following materials

Aluminum 0.2323 mg/l
Dissolved Organic Carbon 12.64 mg/l
Chloride 300 mg/l
Dry Matter 1.8 g/l
Organic Dry Matter 0.6 g/l (i.e. 1/3 of the Dry Matter)
E. Coli 985/l
Coliform Bacteria 1010/l
Enterococci 286/l
Turbidity 23.4 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit)
Maximum Volumetric Flow Rate 400 l/s

Monday 20 October 2014

Modelling a Water Treatment Plant in Simulink®

So here I'm starting my first chemical engineering modelling project for CHESimulator. In this project I'm going to model a simplified model for the operations of a water treatment plant using one of the important mathematical modelling software Simulink® developed by Mathworks. Simulink provides a graphical editor, customizable block libraries, and solvers for modelling and simulating dynamic systems. It is integrated with MATLAB®, enabling us to incorporate MATLAB algorithms into models and export simulation results to MATLAB for further analysis. In this modelling problem I'm going to use only the customizable block libraries provided by the Simulink interface to model a intelligent mathematical interface for a simple water treatment plant operations.

First of all I thank Prof. Dr. Peter Dannenmann, Professor for Computer Science, Department of Engineering, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences for introducing myself into the power of Simulink to engineer these type of modelling problems in a recent MATLAB MOOC.

Here I'm going to execute the project in a series of blog post's, in each of which I would like to include modelling of separate sections of the water treatment plant based on important water parameters depicted as in IS 10500 (2012) : DRINKING WATER SPECIFICATION. The important parameters under consideration in this model are : Sand concentration and grain size, Mass density, Turbidity, Volumetric flow rate, and concentrations of Aluminium, dissolved organic carbon, chloride, dry matter, organic dry matter, E. Coli, Coliform Bacteria and Enterococci.

The whole modelling project is divided into various sub blog post's as :
  • Modelling water parameters according to parameters under consideration.
  • Modelling of grit chamber
  • Modelling of coagulation basin
  • Modelling of sedimentation basin
  • Modelling of filter
  • Modelling of Ultraviolet Disinfection System
After modelling these sections combine whole model into a single Simulink domain such that it can be executed as a simplified universal model for a water treatment plant.

Recommended Simulink tutorials : 

example tutorial website -  University of Michigan

Quick start on process control :
Simulink for Process Control (click here) 

Simulink Detailed :
Simulink User Manual 

Next post :  Water Treatment Plant Model in Simulink® - Modelling of water parameters

Saturday 18 October 2014

Aspen HYSYS® - An Introduction

Aspen HYSYS® is an easy to use process modeling environment that enables optimization of conceptual design and operations.It has a broad array of features and functionalities that address the process engineering challenges of chemical industry. 

It is easy to find reference manuals (one important book by Michael E. Hanyak, Jr. is available here to download) to get start with Aspen HYSYS® in the world wide web, so here in this blog I'm not going to post any beginner level of posts,  where as some videos according to those reference manuals will post in coming weeks - its better to watch Aspen HYSYS® in action rather than reading them in manuals, I think.

About The Program

The primary goal of any simulation software like Aspen HYSYS® is that to provide us with the capability to design an entire process as completely and accurately as possible. In that sense Aspen HYSYS® user interface is amazing to minimize our effort. The advantage of any simulation engine is that, it allow us to change operating parameters of the process during any stage of simulation without affecting the progress of simulation. In HYSYS® - unlike other simulation engine, it start to calculate various parameters of the process as we start to enter the data, whereas simulation engine like Aspen PLUS® wait till the required input completion and then only start the simulation process. 
HYSYS Chart (PDF) explain us the history of HYSYS® with supporting operating system platforms and various features of the software in its evolution order. 

1 . Aspen HYSYS® is a registered trademarks of Aspen Technology.

Friday 17 October 2014

Let me start..!!

"Simulation is not a science, but rather just a way of organizing once thinking"

Yes, It is. In its broadest sense, Simulation is imitation. We've used it for thousands of years to train, explain and entertain. Thanks to the computer age, we're really getting good at using Simulation for all three. Simulations (and models, too) are abstractions of reality. Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance optimization, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games. Often, computer experiments are used to study Simulation models. Simulation is also used with scientific modelling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their functioning.Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.


In this blog "CHEMSimulator", which as the blog name itself indicate, I'm going to explore Chemical Engineering Simulations. During my B-Tech Chemical Engineering studies one of my instructor introduce myself to the world of Chemical Engineering Simulations, and now it become one of my favourite hobby, making and solving problems in various chemical engineering Simulation environments. So in this blog I'm going to post chemical engineering Simulation tutorials especially ASPEN HYSYS, ASPEN PLUS, COMSOL Multiphysics, Matlab, Simulink etc. and my exclusive explorations in this world of Chemical Simulations.